Useful Information

Useful Documents For Collectors 

FAQs For Collectors

 1.       What are my responsibilities as a collector of covered electronics in the Oregon State Contractor Program (SCP)?

 Collectors are required to comply with the collector Environmental Management Practices (EMPs) published by Oregon DEQ. Details of all collector EMPs are published at


 For collectors participating in the SCP other operational and compensation arrangements will be spelled out in an agreement with the contractor hired by DEQ to run the program, the National Center for Electronics Recycling (NCER).


2.       What are the EMPs for collectors?

 Here are the highlights:


  • Regular collection must be free to the public
  • Must be in compliance with all federal, state and local laws
  • Maintain staff during collection operating hours
  • Store collected covered electronic devices (CEDs) in covered area
  • Handle and store CEDs to minimize breakage
  • Make available information provided by the SCP about recycling to the public (e.g., consumer fact sheets, sign materials, etc.)
  • Track the weight of CEDs by product category received
  • Accept CEDs from households, small businesses and nonprofits with 10 or fewer employees, and anyone giving 7 or fewer CEDs
  • Allow access to DEQ
  • Provide annual documentation of the following upon request:
    • Workers’ compensation insurance, statutory limits;
    • Commercial general liability insurance
    • Automobile liability
  • Not accumulate electronics for more than 180 days

 Details of all collector EMPs are published at

 3.       How much does the SCP pay collectors?

 After discussing operational arrangements, the NCER and collectors will determine site-specific compensation amounts on a mutually agreeable basis.


4.       What collection containers should I use?

 We can assist the collector in determining appropriate collection containers (e.g., trailers, Gaylords, etc.) for each collection site providing services to the SCP.

  5.       Will pickup be scheduled or on-call?

 We will work with each collector to determine a pickup schedule and/or make other arrangements to pick up collected electronics on an on-call basis.


6.       Can collectors work with the SCP and any approved Manufacturer Programs?

 Yes. Collectors can provide services to multiple programs, as long as the collector meets the operational and contractual requirements for each program. Also, the EMPs require that the collector maintain records of the number or weight of covered electronics collected separately for each program. Additional operational arrangements may also be necessary to accommodate collectors providing service to multiple programs.


7.       Is reuse a part of the SCP?

 Definitely. Non-profit reuse organizations are encouraged to participate in the collection network, to identify and divert CEDs into reuse. The non-profit organization can be the actual collector or may have an agreement with the collector to screen collected devices. In either case, the number of units diverted by product category must be tracked and reported. Note that reimbursement is not provided for those units that are diverted for reuse. Additional requirements for reuse activities are contained in the EMPs published at


8.       I have trucks suitable for shipping electronics. Can I be both a collector and transporter for the SCP?

 Yes. Any service provider demonstrating the best value may provide transportation of collected electronics and compliant with the transportation EMPs published at


9.       I am also interested in being a recycler for the SCP. How do I do that?

 If you would like to receive a copy of the RFP, or would like to recommend a recycler receive it, please send a request to


10.    How can I get more information about the SCP?

 The NCER sends out regular email updates to collectors and parties expressing interest in participating in the SCP network. To get on the mailing list send an email to or call 503-501-8471.